
18/03/10 17:55
Salve ragazzi, premetto che di C++ non ne so niente, ma ho necessità di compilare un insieme di file scritti in C++ e la compilazione mi da i seguenti errori:

gen.h:26: error: ‘ostream’ has not been declared
gen.h:45: error: ‘ostream’ has not been declared
gen.h:64: error: ‘ostream’ has not been declared
gen.h:95: error: ‘ostream’ has not been declared
gen.h:123: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:124: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:125: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:160: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:182: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:183: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:183: error: ‘StringSet’ has not been declared
gen.h:221: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:222: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:265: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:266: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:288: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.h:289: error: ‘ofstream’ has not been declared
gen.c:10: error: variable or field ‘write’ declared void
gen.c:10: error: ‘ostream’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:10: error: ‘fp’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:20: error: variable or field ‘write’ declared void
gen.c:20: error: ‘ostream’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:20: error: ‘fp’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:77: error: variable or field ‘write’ declared void
gen.c:77: error: ‘ostream’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:77: error: ‘fp’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:92: error: variable or field ‘write’ declared void
gen.c:92: error: ‘ostream’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:92: error: ‘fp’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:167: error: variable or field ‘write’ declared void
gen.c:167: error: ‘ofstream’ was not declared in this scope
gen.c:167: error: ‘fp’ was not declared in this scope

e nel file gen.h ci sono le seguenti inclusioni:

#include <stream.h>
#include <fstream.h>

ho provato anche a togliere i .h come avevo letto in qualche forum ma non ha funzionato.
Qualcuno di voi sa di cosa potrebbe trattarsi?

Grazie mille :)
18/03/10 18:44
Poggi Marco
Posta il programma. IDE diversi, danno messaggi diversi. Inoltre, solo dai messaggi
d' errore, è difficile aiutarti.
18/03/10 18:51
sono messaggi di un semplice make da terminale

Comunque il file in questione è questo:

#include "glob.h"
#include "dist.h"
#include <stream.h>
#include <fstream.h>

//=============================  Parameters  =============================

// Parameters used for StringSet
// StringSet can be either large itemsets, or sequences
class PatternPar {
  LINT npats;	// number of patterns
  FLOAT patlen; // average length of pattern
  FLOAT corr;	// correlation between consecutive patterns
  FLOAT conf;	// average confidence in a rule
  FLOAT conf_var;  // variation in the confidence
  LINT seed;

    : npats(10000), patlen(4.0), corr(0.25), conf(0.75), conf_var(0.1), seed(0)

  void write(ostream &fp);

// Parameters used to generate transactions
class TransPar {
  LINT ntrans;	// number of transactions in database
  FLOAT tlen;	// average transaction length
  LINT nitems;	// number of items
  PatternPar lits;	// parameters for potentially large itemsets
  BOOLEAN ascii;        // Generate in ASCII format
  LINT seed;    // Seed to initialize RandSeed with before x-act generation

    : ntrans(1000000), tlen(10), nitems(100000), ascii(FALSE), seed(INIT_SEED)

  void write(ostream &fp);

// Parameters used to generate transactions
class TaxPar:public TransPar {
  LINT nroots;	 // number of roots
  FLOAT fanout;	 // average fanout at each interiori node
  FLOAT nlevels; // average number of levels
  FLOAT depth_ratio;	 // affects ratio of itemsets chosen from higher levels

    : nroots(0), fanout(0), nlevels(0), depth_ratio(1)

  void calc_values(void);	// calculates nroots, given nlevels
  	// default values: nroots = 250, fanout = 5
  void write(ostream &fp);

// Parameters used to generate sequences
class SeqPar {
  LINT ncust;	// number of customers in database
  FLOAT slen;	// average sequence length
  FLOAT tlen;	// average transaction length
  LINT nitems;	// number of items

  FLOAT rept;		// repetition-level (between 0 and 1)
  FLOAT rept_var;	// variation in repetition-level

  BOOLEAN ascii;        // Generate in ASCII format

  PatternPar lits;	// parameters for potentially large itemsets
  PatternPar lseq;	// parameters for potentially large sequences

    : ncust(100000), slen(10), tlen(2.5), nitems(10000), 
      rept(0), rept_var(0.1)
    lits.npats = 25000;
    lseq.npats = 5000;
    lits.patlen = 1.25;
    lseq.patlen = 4.0;

  void write(ostream &fp);

//------------------------------ Taxonomy ------------------------------

// models taxonomy over items as a tree
// 0 is a valid item here (get rid of it when actually adding item
class Taxonomy
  friend class TaxStat;
  LINT nitems;	// number of items
  LINT nroots;	// number of roots
  FLOAT depth;	// used when assigning probabilities to items

  LINT *par;
  LINT *child_start;
  LINT *child_end;

  static const LINT item_len;  // ASCII field-width of item-id
  Taxonomy(LINT nitems, LINT nroots, FLOAT fanout, FLOAT depth_ratio);

  void write(ofstream &fp);		// write taxonomy to file
  void write_asc(ofstream &fp);	// write taxonomy to ASCII file
  void display(ofstream &fp);	// display taxonomy (for user)

  FLOAT depth_ratio(void) { return depth; }
  LINT num_roots(void) { return nroots; }
  LINT root(Item itm) { return (par[itm] == -1); }

  LINT num_children(Item itm) { return child_end[itm] -  child_start[itm]; }
  LINT child(Item itm, LINT n) { return child_start[itm]+n; }
	// returns the n'th child of itm
  LINT first_child(Item itm) { return child_start[itm]; }
  LINT last_child(Item itm) { return child_end[itm]-1; }

  Item parent(Item itm) { return par[itm]; }	// -1 => no parent


// 0 is a valid item here (get rid of it when actually adding item
class ItemSet
  LINT nitems;		// number of items
  Taxonomy *tax;	// taxonomy (optional)
  FLOAT *cum_prob;	// cumulative probability
  FLOAT *tax_prob;	// cumulative probability of choosing a child
  UniformDist rand;

  void normalize(FLOAT prob[], LINT low, LINT high);
  ItemSet(LINT nitems, Taxonomy *tax = NULL);
  void display(ofstream &fp);
  Item get_item(void);		// returns a random item (weighted)
  Item specialize(Item itm);	// if no taxonomy, returns itm
  FLOAT weight(Item itm);	// returns prob. of choosing item

class String
friend class StringSet;
  LINT nitems;	// number of items
  Item *items;  // list of the items
//  FLOAT *rval;	// random value (used to get random ordering of the items)
//  Item *ritems;	// randomly chosen items
  FLOAT prob;	// probability that this string is chosen
  FLOAT conf;	// probability that this string is corrrupted
//  void shuffle(void);	// shuffles items in string
  String(LINT nitems);
  void display(ofstream &fp, LINT prob_comp = 1);
  void display(ofstream &fp, StringSet &lits, LINT prob_comp = 1);
	// prob is multiplied by prob_comp before being writeed

  LINT size(void) { return nitems;}
  Item item(LINT n) { return items[n];} // return nth item of the string
  FLOAT conf_lvl(void) { return conf; }

  void set_size(LINT newsize) { nitems = newsize;}
  void set_item(LINT n, Item itm) { items[n] = itm;}
  void set_conf_lvl(FLOAT newconf) { conf = newconf; }

//  void shuffle(LINT k);	// allows selection of k random items from the string
//  Item rand_item(LINT n) { return ritems[n];} // works with shuffle

typedef String *StringP;

class StringSet
  friend class StringSetIter;
  ItemSet *items;
  Taxonomy *tax;
  LINT npats;		// number of patterns
  StringP *pat;		// array of patterns
  StringP answer;
  FLOAT *cum_prob;	// cumulative probabilities of patterns

  StringP specialize(LINT i);	// specializes pattern #i
  StringSet(LINT nitems,	  // number of items
	    PatternPar par,	  // npats, patlen, corr, conf & conf_var
	    Taxonomy *tax = NULL, // taxonomy (optional)
	    FLOAT rept = 0,	  // repetition-level
	    FLOAT rept_lvl = 0.2  // variation in repetition-level
  void display(ofstream &fp);	// for large itemsets
  void display(ofstream &fp, StringSet &lit);	// for sequences
  StringP get_pat(LINT i);	// returns pattern #i

class StringSetIter
  UniformDist rand;
  StringSet *strset;
  LINT last_pat;	// if -ve, unget_pat() was called
  StringSetIter(StringSet &str_set) : strset(&str_set), last_pat(0) {};
  StringP get_pat(void);	// returns a random pattern
  void unget_pat(void);		// the last pattern is put back in the sequence


class Transaction {
  LINT tlen;	// expected number of items in transaction
  LINT nitems;	// number of items currently in transaction
  LINT maxsize;	// size of array items
  LINT *items;	// items in the transaction

  static const LINT cid_len;   // ASCII field-width of customer-id
  static const LINT tid_len;   // ASCII field-width of transaction-id
  static const LINT item_len;  // ASCII field-width of item-id

  static LINT tid;	// transaction-id

  void sort(void);
  BOOLEAN add_item(LINT itm);// returns TRUE if added, FALSE if already present
  Transaction(LINT sz);

  BOOLEAN add(String &pat, BOOLEAN corrupt = TRUE);
	// adds pattern to transaction
	// returns TRUE if added, FALSE if trans. full
  void write(ofstream &fp, LINT cid = 0);
  void write_asc(ofstream &fp, LINT cid = 0);
  LINT size(void) { return nitems; }

typedef Transaction *TransactionP;

class CustSeq {
  Cid cid;	// customer-id
  LINT slen;	// expected number of transactions in sequence
  LINT tlen;	// avg. expected number of items in a transaction
  LINT ntrans;	// number of transactions in sequence
  LINT nitems;	// number of items in sequence
  LINT maxsize;	// size of array trans
  TransactionP *trans;	// transaction in the sequence

  CustSeq(Cid cid, LINT seq_len, LINT tot_items);

  BOOLEAN add(String &pat, StringSet &lits);	// adds pattern to transaction
  void write(ofstream &fp);
  void write_asc(ofstream &fp);
  LINT size(void) { return nitems; }
18/03/10 18:52
e questo è il file gen.c

#include "gen.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

//------------------------------- Parameters -------------------------------

void PatternPar::write(ostream &fp)
  fp << "\tNumber of patterns = " << npats << endl;
  fp << "\tAverage length of pattern = " << patlen << endl;
  fp << "\tCorrelation between consecutive patterns = " << corr << endl;
  fp << "\tAverage confidence in a rule = " << conf << endl;
  fp << "\tVariation in the confidence = " << conf_var << endl;

void TransPar::write(ostream &fp)
  fp << "Number of transactions in database = " << ntrans << endl;
  fp << "Average transaction length = " << tlen << endl;
  fp << "Number of items = " << nitems << endl;

  fp << "Large Itemsets:" << endl;
  fp << endl;

// calculate the number of roots, given the number of levels
void TaxPar::calc_values(void)
  LINT nset;
  nset = 0;
  nset += (nlevels != 0);
  nset += (fanout != 0);
  nset += (nroots != 0);
  switch (nset) 
    case 0:	// fill in defaults
      nroots = 250;
      fanout = 5;

    case 1:	// need to fill in 1 value
      assert (nlevels == 0);
      if (fanout == 0)
	fanout = 5;
      else if (nroots == 0)
	nroots = 250;

    case 2:
      if (nlevels == 0)		// all set!
      if (fanout != 0) {	// calculate nroots
	nroots = nitems / (1 + pow(DOUBLE(fanout), DOUBLE(nlevels-1)));
	if (nroots < 1)
	  nroots = 1;
      else if (nroots != 0) {	// calculate fanout
	FLOAT temp;
	temp = (FLOAT)nitems / nroots - 1;
	temp = log((DOUBLE)temp) / (nlevels - 1);
	fanout = exp((DOUBLE)temp);
    case 3:			// all set!

void TaxPar::write(ostream &fp)
  fp << "Number of transactions in database = " << ntrans << endl;
  fp << "Average transaction length = " << tlen << endl;
  fp << "Number of items = " << nitems << endl;
  fp << "Number of roots = " << nroots << endl;
  fp << "Number of levels = " << nlevels << endl;
  fp << "Average fanout = " << fanout << endl;

  fp << "Large Itemsets:" << endl;
  fp << endl;

void SeqPar::write(ostream &fp)
  fp << "Number of customers in database = " << ncust << endl;
  fp << "Average sequence length = " << slen << endl;
  fp << "Average transaction length = " << tlen << endl;
  fp << "Number of items = " << nitems << endl;
  fp << "Repetition-level = " << rept << endl;
  fp << "Variation in repetition-level = " << rept_var << endl;

  fp << "Large Itemsets:" << endl;
  fp << "Large Sequences:" << endl;
  fp << endl;

//------------------------------ Taxonomy ------------------------------

const LINT Taxonomy::item_len = 7;

// Constructor: reads taxonomy file and builds taxonomy as a DAG
Taxonomy::Taxonomy(LINT num_items,	// total number of items
		   LINT num_roots,	// number of roots
		   FLOAT fanout,	// average fanout
		   FLOAT depth_ratio	// average ratio of ....
  : nitems(num_items), nroots(num_roots), depth(depth_ratio)
  LINT i, j;
  LINT next_child;
  PoissonDist nchildren(fanout-1);	// string length
  // allocate memory
  par = new LINT [nitems];
  child_start = new LINT [nitems];
  child_end = new LINT [nitems];

  next_child = nroots;

  // initialize parents (or lack thereof) for roots
  for (i = 0; i < nroots; i++)
    par[i] = -1;

  // set up all the interior nodes
  for (i = 0, j = next_child; i < nitems && next_child < nitems; i++)
      child_start[i] = next_child;
      next_child += nchildren() + 1;
      if (next_child > nitems) 
	next_child = nitems;
      child_end[i] = next_child;
      for (; j < next_child; j++)
	par[j] = i;

  // initialize children (or lack thereof) for all the leaves
  for (; i < nitems; i++)
    child_start[i] = 
    child_end[i] = -1;

  LINT i;

  delete [] par;
  delete [] child_start;
  delete [] child_end;

void Taxonomy::write(ofstream &fp)
  for (LINT i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
    if (par[i] >= 0) {
      assert(i != par[i]);
      fp.write((char *)&i, sizeof(LINT));
      fp.write((char *)&par[i], sizeof(LINT));

void Taxonomy::write_asc(ofstream &fp)
  for (LINT i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
    if (par[i] >= 0) {
      assert(i != par[i]);
      fp << setw(item_len) << i << " " << setw(item_len) << par[i] << endl;

void Taxonomy::display(ofstream &fp)
  fp << "Taxonomy: " << endl;
  for (LINT i = 0; i < nitems && child_start[i] > 0; i++)
    fp << i << " " << child_start[i] << " " << child_end[i]-1 << endl;
  fp << endl;

//------------------------------- ItemSet -------------------------------

ItemSet::ItemSet(LINT num_items, 	// number of items
		 Taxonomy *ptax		// taxonomy (optional)
  : tax(ptax), nitems(num_items)
  ExpDist freq;
  LINT i, j;

  cum_prob = new FLOAT [nitems];
  if (tax)
    tax_prob = new FLOAT [nitems];
    tax_prob = NULL;
  for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
    cum_prob[i] = freq();	// prob. that this pattern will be picked

  if (tax) {			// weight(itm) += wieght(children)
    // normalize probabilities for the roots and for children
    normalize(cum_prob, 0, tax->num_roots()-1);
    for (i = 0; i < nitems && tax->num_children(i) > 0; i++)
      normalize(cum_prob, tax->first_child(i), tax->last_child(i));

    // calulate cumulative probabilities for children
    for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
      tax_prob[i] = cum_prob[i];
    for (i = 1; i < nitems; i++)
      if (tax->num_children(i) > 0)
	for (j = tax->first_child(i); j < tax->last_child(i); j++)
	  tax_prob[j+1] += tax_prob[j];

    // set real probabilities
    for (i = tax->num_roots(); i < nitems; i++)
      cum_prob[i] *= cum_prob[ tax->parent(i) ] * tax->depth_ratio();

  // normalize probabilites (why -- see get_pat)
  normalize(cum_prob, 0, nitems-1);
  for (i = 1; i < nitems; i++)	// calulate cumulative probabilities
    cum_prob[i] += cum_prob[i-1];

  delete [] cum_prob;

//  normalize probabilities between low and high
void ItemSet::normalize(FLOAT prob[], LINT low, LINT high)
  FLOAT tot;
  LINT i;

  // normalize probabilites
  tot = 0;
  for (i = low; i <= high; i++)
    tot += prob[i];
  for (i = low; i <= high; i++)
    prob[i] /= tot;

// returns a pattern chosen at random
Item ItemSet::get_item(void)
  FLOAT r;
  LINT i;

  // find the desired pattern using cum_prob table
  r = rand();
  // want item i such that cum_prob[i-1] < r <= cum_prob[i];
  i = r * nitems;			// guess location of item
  i += (r-cum_prob[i]) * nitems;	// refine guess
  if (i >= nitems)			// check boundaries
    i = nitems-1;
  if (i < 0)
    i = 0;
  while ( i < (nitems-1) && r > cum_prob[i] )	// find item
  while ( i > 0 && r <= cum_prob[i-1] )
  return i;

// if no taxonomy, returns itm
Item ItemSet::specialize(Item itm)
  FLOAT r;
  LINT i, nchildren;
  Item first, last;

  if (!tax) 		// no taxonomy
    return itm;

  nchildren = tax->num_children(itm);
  if (nchildren == 0)		// no children
    return itm;  

  first = tax->child(itm, 0);
  last = tax->child(itm, nchildren-1);

  // find the desired pattern using cum_prob table
  r = rand();
  i = first + r * nchildren;
  if (i == last)
  while ( i < last && r > tax_prob[i] )
  while ( i > first && r < tax_prob[i-1] )
  return specialize(i);

FLOAT ItemSet::weight(Item itm)	// returns prob. of choosing item
  if (itm == 0)
    return cum_prob[itm];
    return cum_prob[itm] - cum_prob[itm-1];

void ItemSet::display(ofstream &fp)
//  if (tax != NULL)
//    tax->display(fp);

  fp << "Items:" << endl;
  fp << setprecision(3);

  if (tax != NULL) {
    if (cum_prob[0] * nitems > 10)
      fp << 0 << "  " << cum_prob[0] * nitems << " "
	<< tax->first_child(0) << " " << tax->last_child(0) << endl;
    for (LINT i = 1; i < nitems; i++)
      if ((cum_prob[i]-cum_prob[i-1]) * nitems > 10)
	fp << i << "  " << (cum_prob[i]-cum_prob[i-1]) * nitems << " "
	  << tax->first_child(i) << " " << tax->last_child(i) << endl;
  else {
    if (cum_prob[0] * nitems > 5)
      fp << 0 << "  " << cum_prob[0] * nitems << endl;
    for (LINT i = 1; i < nitems; i++)
      if ((cum_prob[i]-cum_prob[i-1]) * nitems > 5)
	fp << i << "  " << (cum_prob[i]-cum_prob[i-1]) * nitems << endl;

  fp << setprecision(0);
  fp << endl;

//--------------------------------- String ---------------------------------

String::String(LINT n)	// number of items
  : nitems(n)
  items = new LINT [nitems];
//  rval = new FLOAT [nitems];
//  ritems = new LINT [nitems];

  delete [] items;
//  delete [] rval;
//  delete [] ritems;

void String::display(ofstream &fp, LINT prob_comp)
  fp << setw(6) << prob_comp * prob << " " << setw(6) << conf << " ";
  for(LINT i = 0; i < nitems; i++) 
    fp << " " << items[i];
  fp << endl;

void String::display(ofstream &fp, StringSet &lits, LINT prob_comp)
  LINT i, j;
  StringP lstr;

  fp << setw(6) << prob_comp * prob << " " << setw(6) << conf << " ";
  for(i = 0; i < nitems; i++) 
      fp << "  << ";
      lstr = lits.get_pat(items[i]);
      for (j = 0; j < lstr->nitems; j++) 
	fp << lstr->items[j] << " ";
      fp << ">>";
  fp << endl;

// shuffles items in string
// void String::shuffle(void)
// {
//   UniformDist ud;
//   LINT i, j, ival;
//   FLOAT fval;

//   // associate a random value with each item
//   for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
//     rval[i] = ud();
//   // sort items according to the values in rval
//   for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++ )
//     {
//       ival = items[i]; fval = rval[i];
//       for ( j = i; j > 0 && rval[j-1] > fval; j-- ) {
// 	  items[j] = items[j-1];
// 	  rval[j] = rval[j-1];
// 	}
//       items[j] = ival;
//       rval[j] = fval;
//     }
// }

//------------------------------- StringSet -------------------------------

StringSet::StringSet(LINT nitems, 	// number of items
		     PatternPar par,	// npats, patlen, corr, conf & conf_var
		     Taxonomy *ptax,	// taxonomy (optional)
		     FLOAT rept,	// repetition-level
		     FLOAT rept_var	// variation in repetition-level
  : tax(ptax)
  NormalDist conf(par.conf, par.conf_var);
  ExpDist freq;
  ExpDist corr_lvl;
  PoissonDist len(par.patlen-1);	// string length
  NormalDist repeat(rept, rept_var);
  UniformDist ud;

  items = new ItemSet(nitems, tax);	// associate probabilities with items

  LINT i, j, num_same;
  FLOAT tot;

  npats = par.npats;
//  last_pat = 0;
  pat = new StringP [npats];
  for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
      pat[i] = new String( 1+len() );

      // fill correlated items
      if (par.corr > 0 && i > 0) {	// correlated patterns
	// each pattern has some items same as the previous pattern
	num_same = LINT( pat[i]->size() * par.corr * corr_lvl() + 0.5 );
	if ( num_same > pat[i-1]->size() )
	  num_same = pat[i-1]->size();
	if ( num_same > pat[i]->size() )
	  num_same = pat[i]->size();
	// choose num_same items at random from previous pattern
	Choose shuffle(pat[i-1]->size(), num_same);
	for (j = 0; j < num_same; j++)
	  pat[i]->items[j] = pat[i-1]->item( shuffle.pos(j) );
//	pat[i-1]->shuffle(num_same);
//	for (j = 0; j < num_same; j++)
//	  pat[i]->items[j] = pat[i-1]->rand_item(j);
      else {	// no correlation
	num_same = 0;

      if (rept == 0) {
	// fill remaining items at random
	for (j = num_same; j < pat[i]->size(); j++)
	  pat[i]->items[j] = items->get_item();
//	pat[i]->items[j] = LINT(1 + nitems * rand());
      else {
	// some items are repetitions
	FLOAT rept_lvl = repeat();
	for (j = num_same; j < pat[i]->size(); j++)
	  if ( j > 0 && ud() < rept_lvl )	// pick a previous item
	    pat[i]->items[j] = pat[i]->items[ LINT(j*ud()) ];
	  else	// pick random item
	    pat[i]->items[j] = items->get_item();
      pat[i]->prob = freq(); // prob. that this pattern will be picked
      pat[i]->conf = conf(); // used in Transaction::add and CustSeq::add
      			     // to decide how many items to drop from
			     //  this pattern to corrupt it

  if (tax) {
    // weight probabilites with geometric mean of probabilities of items
    for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
	DOUBLE weight = 1;
	for (j = 0; j < pat[i]->size(); j++)
	  weight *= items->weight(pat[i]->items[j]);
//	cerr << "WEIGHT = " << weight;
	weight = pow(weight, DOUBLE(1)/pat[i]->size());
//	cerr << "  " << weight << endl;
	pat[i]->prob *= weight;

  // normalize probabilites (why -- see get_pat)
  cum_prob = new FLOAT [npats];
  tot = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
    tot += pat[i]->prob;
  for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
    pat[i]->prob /= tot;

  // calulate cumulative probabilities
  cum_prob[0] = pat[0]->prob;
  for (i = 1; i < npats; i++)
    cum_prob[i] = cum_prob[i-1] + pat[i]->prob;
//  cerr << cum_prob[npats-1] << endl << flush;

  // allocate space for answer
  LINT maxlen = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < npats; i++)
    if (pat[i]->size() > maxlen)
      maxlen = pat[i]->size();
  answer = new String(maxlen);

  LINT i;

  for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
    delete pat[i];
  delete [] pat;

// specialize each item in pattern #i and store result in answer
StringP StringSet::specialize(LINT i)
  answer->set_size( pat[i]->size() );
  answer->set_conf_lvl( pat[i]->conf_lvl() );
  for (LINT j = 0; j < pat[i]->size(); j++)
    answer->set_item(j, items->specialize( pat[i]->item(j) ));
  return answer;

// returns pattern #i
StringP StringSet::get_pat(LINT i)
  if (!tax)
    return pat[i];
    return specialize(i);

void StringSet::display(ofstream &fp)
  LINT i;


  fp << "ItemSets:" << endl;
  fp << setprecision(3);
  // too lazy to do a sort, so print high-prob. patterns first
  for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
    if (pat[i]->prob * npats > 10)
      pat[i]->display(fp, npats);
  for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
    if (pat[i]->prob * npats <= 10 && pat[i]->prob * npats > 1)
      pat[i]->display(fp, npats);
  fp << setprecision(0);
  fp << endl;

void StringSet::display(ofstream &fp, StringSet &lits)
  LINT i;

  fp << setprecision(3);
  // too lazy to do a sort, so print high-prob. patterns first
  for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
    if (pat[i]->prob * npats > 6)
      pat[i]->display(fp, lits, npats);
  for (i = 0; i < npats; i++)
    if (pat[i]->prob * npats <= 6)
      pat[i]->display(fp, lits, npats);
  fp << setprecision(0);

//------------------------------- StringSet -------------------------------

// returns a pattern chosen at random
StringP StringSetIter::get_pat(void)
  FLOAT r;
  LINT i = 0;

  if (last_pat < 0) {
    last_pat = -last_pat;
    if (!strset->tax)
      return strset->pat[last_pat];
      return strset->specialize(last_pat);

  // find the desired pattern using cum_prob table
  r = rand();
  i = r * strset->npats;
  if (i == strset->npats)
  while ( i < (strset->npats-1) && r > strset->cum_prob[i] )
  while ( i > 0 && r < strset->cum_prob[i-1] )
  last_pat = i;

  if (!strset->tax)
    return strset->pat[i];
    return strset->specialize(i);

void StringSetIter::unget_pat(void)
  last_pat = -last_pat;

//------------------------------ Transaction ------------------------------

// static variables
const LINT Transaction::cid_len = 10;
const LINT Transaction::tid_len = 10;
const LINT Transaction::item_len = 10;

LINT Transaction::tid = 0;

Transaction::Transaction(LINT sz)
  : tlen(sz), nitems(0), maxsize(5 * sz)
  // maximum size of a transaction is 5 * sz
  items = new LINT [maxsize];

  delete [] items;

void Transaction::sort(void)
  LINT val;
  LINT i, j;

  for (i = 1; i < nitems; i++ )
      val = items[i];
      for ( j = i; j > 0 && items[j-1] > val; j-- )
	items[j] = items[j-1];
      items[j] = val;

BOOLEAN Transaction::add_item(LINT itm)
  LINT i;

  for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
    if ( items[i] == itm ) return FALSE;

  if (nitems >= maxsize) {	// allocate more memory
    LINT *old_items = items;
    maxsize *= 2;
    items = new LINT [maxsize];
    for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
      items[i] = old_items[i];
    delete [] old_items;

  items[nitems++] = itm;
  return TRUE;

// adds pattern to transaction
// returns TRUE if pattern was added, FALSE else
BOOLEAN Transaction::add(String &pat, BOOLEAN corrupt)
  static UniformDist ud;
  LINT i, patlen;

  // corrupt the pattern by reducing its length;
  // conf_lvl for a pattern is decided at the time of pattern creation
  patlen = pat.size();
  if ( corrupt )
    while ( patlen > 0 && ud() > pat.conf_lvl() )
  // in half of the cases, we drop the pattern that won't fit
  if ( patlen+nitems > tlen )	// not enough space left
    if ( ud() > 0.5 )
      return FALSE;
  // pick "patlen" items at random from pattern
//  if ( patlen < pat.size() )
  Choose shuffle(pat.size(), patlen);
  for (i = 0; i < patlen; i++)
    add_item( pat.item(shuffle.pos(i)) ); // allocates extra space if necessary
//    pat.shuffle(patlen);
//  for (i = 0; i < patlen; i++)
//    add_item( pat.rand_item(i) ); // allocates extra space if necessary
  return TRUE;

void Transaction::write(ofstream &fp, LINT cid)
  if ( nitems == 0 )

  if (cid == 0)		// no customer-id; set cust-id to trans-id
    cid = tid;

  fp.write((char *)&cid, sizeof(LINT));
  fp.write((char *)&tid, sizeof(LINT));
  fp.write((char *)&nitems, sizeof(LINT));
  fp.write((char *)items, nitems * sizeof(LINT));

void Transaction::write_asc(ofstream &fp, LINT cid)
  if ( nitems == 0 )

  if (cid == 0)		// no customer-id; set cust-id to trans-id
    cid = tid;

  for (LINT i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
    fp << setw(cid_len) << cid << " ";
    fp << setw(tid_len) << tid << " ";
    fp << setw(item_len) << items[i] << endl;

//------------------------------ CustSeq ------------------------------

CustSeq::CustSeq(Cid cust_id, LINT seq_len, LINT trans_len)
  : cid(cust_id), slen(seq_len), tlen(trans_len), nitems(0),
    ntrans(seq_len), maxsize(5 * seq_len)
  // we reallocate memory if necessary
  trans = new TransactionP [maxsize];
  for (LINT i = 0; i < maxsize; i++)
    trans[i] = NULL;

  for (LINT i = 0; i < maxsize; i++)
    if ( trans[i] )
      delete trans[i];
  delete [] trans;

// adds pattern to CustSeq
// returns TRUE if pattern was added, FALSE else
// REWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOOLEAN CustSeq::add(String &pat, StringSet &lits)
  static UniformDist ud;
  LINT i, patlen;
  LINT pos;
  LINT newitems, olditems;
  BOOLEAN corrupt;	// if TRUE, corrupt transactions too

  if ( ud() > pat.conf_lvl() )
    corrupt = TRUE;		// corrupt transactions
    corrupt = FALSE;		// don't corrupt transactions

  // corrupt the pattern by reducing its length;
  // conf_lvl for a pattern is decided at the time of pattern creation
  patlen = pat.size();
  if ( corrupt )
    while ( patlen > 0 && ud() > pat.conf_lvl() )
  if ( patlen == 0 )	// no trans. left in sequence
    return TRUE;

  // allows transactions to be dropped randomly from the sequence
//  if ( patlen < pat.size() )
  Choose shuffle(pat.size(), patlen);
//    pat.shuffle(patlen);

  // calculate # of items in pattern
  for (newitems = 0, i = 0; i < patlen; i++)
    newitems += lits.get_pat( pat.item( shuffle.pos(i) ) )->size();
//    newitems += lits.get_pat( pat.rand_item(i) )->size();

  // in half of the cases, we drop the pattern that won't fit
  if ( (patlen > slen) || (newitems + nitems > slen * tlen) )
    if ( ud() > 0.5 )
      return FALSE;

  if ( patlen > maxsize ) {	// need to allocate more memory
    TransactionP *old_trans = trans;
    LINT oldsize = maxsize;
    maxsize = patlen*2;
    trans = new TransactionP [maxsize];
    for (i = 0; i < oldsize; i++)
      trans[i] = old_trans[i];
    for (; i < maxsize; i++)
      trans[i] = NULL;
    delete [] old_trans;

  // add new sequence
  Choose *shuffle1 = NULL;
  if (ntrans > patlen)
    shuffle1 = new Choose(ntrans, patlen);
  for (i = 0; i < patlen; i++)
      if ( shuffle1 )
	pos = shuffle1->pos(i);
	pos = i;
      if ( trans[pos] == NULL )
	trans[pos] = new Transaction(tlen);
      olditems = trans[pos]->size();
      trans[pos]->add( *lits.get_pat(pat.item( shuffle.pos(i) )), corrupt ); 
//      trans[pos]->add( *lits.get_pat(pat.rand_item(i)), corrupt ); 
      nitems += trans[pos]->size() - olditems;  // update count of #items
  delete shuffle1;

//   pos = ud() * ntrans / patlen;
//   for (i = 0; i < patlen; i++)
//     {
//       if ( trans[pos] == NULL )
// 	trans[pos] = new Transaction(tlen);
//       olditems = trans[pos]->size();
//       trans[pos]->add( *lits.get_pat(pat.item( shuffle.pos(i) )), corrupt ); 
// //      trans[pos]->add( *lits.get_pat(pat.rand_item(i)), corrupt ); 
//       nitems += trans[pos]->size() - olditems;  // update count of #items
//       pos += 1 + ud() * ntrans / patlen;
//     }

  return TRUE;

void CustSeq::write(ofstream &fp)
  for (LINT i = 0; i < ntrans-1; i++)
    if ( trans[i]->size() > 0 )
      trans[i]->write(fp, cid);

void CustSeq::write_asc(ofstream &fp)
  for (LINT i = 0; i < ntrans-1; i++)
    if ( trans[i]->size() > 0 )
      trans[i]->write_asc(fp, cid);
18/03/10 20:26
In gen.h gli include dovrebbero essere

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

e manca una

using namespace std;

prima della dichiarazione delle classi ...

Ma dove hai trovato quel codice? Non è scritto correttamente per il C++ ... gli include dovrebbero essere


e così via ... sembra codice "vecchio stile" ...
18/03/10 20:40
E' un tool dell'IBM per generare Database
18/03/10 20:45
Sarà ... ma è come ti ho detto ... è un vecchio codice ...

18/03/10 20:59
Ti credo, ma mi serve.