
01/05/13 13:58
Poggi Marco
Intendo definire un record che racchiuda le "proprietà" del mouse, ed usarlo localmente, invece di dichiarare delle variabili globali.

TYPE tMouseDati
 h AS INTEGER  ' coordinata x'
 v AS INTEGER  ' coordinata y'
 b AS INTEGER  ' bottone premuto


' La funzione diventa:

SUB mouse (Funk AS INTEGER, t AS tMouseDati)
STATIC Crsr                                                                    'Track whether Cursor is shown.
IF Funk = 1 THEN Crsr = 1                                           'Show Cursor.
IF Funk = 2 AND Crsr = 0 THEN EXIT SUB              'Don't hide Cursor more than once.
IF Funk = 2 AND Crsr = 1 THEN : Crsr = 0              'Hide Cursor.
POKE 100, 184: POKE 101, Funk: POKE 102, 0    'Poke machine code necessary for
POKE 103, 205: POKE 104, 51: POKE 105, 137    'using the mouse into memory
POKE 106, 30: POKE 107, 170: POKE 108, 10       'starting at offset 100 in the
POKE 109, 137: POKE 110, 14: POKE 111, 187     'current segment.  This code is
POKE 112, 11: POKE 113, 137: POKE 114, 22       'then executed as a unit, via the
POKE 115, 204: POKE 116, 12: POKE 117, 203     'statement " Call Absolute ".
CALL Absolute(100)                                                      'Call machine code.
t.b = PEEK(&HAAA)                                               'Get values for Buttons.
t.h = (PEEK(&HBBB) + PEEK(&HBBC) * 256)            'Horizontal position ( 2 bytes ).
t.v = (PEEK(&HCCC) + PEEK(&HCCD) * 256)            'Vertical position   ( 2 bytes ).
END SUB           
