
15/07/08 4:35
ciao a tutti insieme ad un mio amico abbiato creato un sito web ma quando un user si iscrive da questo errore Warning: file(/inetpub/wwwroot/unicode/result.txt) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\include\altro.inc.php on line 272
come posso risolvere il problema?:d:d
15/07/08 6:11
Non è che hai spiegato molto del codice...

Comunque l'errore indica che si cerca di aprire un file con uno stream ma che il file non esiste.
15/07/08 15:26
il codice e questo il problema che gli utenti qundo si registrano da quell errore

include "include/regioni.inc.php";

function code2utf($num){
if($num<128)return chr($num);
if($num<1024)return chr(($num>>6)+192).chr(($num&63)+128);
if($num<32768)return chr(($num>>12)+224).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128);
if($num<2097152)return chr($num>>18+240).chr((($num>>12)&63)+128).chr(($num>>6)&63+128). chr($num&63+128);
return '';
function entities_to_unicode( $str ) {

$unicode = array();
$inEntity = FALSE;
$entity = '';

for ($i = 0; $i < strlen( $str ); $i++ ) {

if ( $inEntity ) {

if ( $str[ $i ] == ';' ) {

$unicode[] = (int)$entity;
$entity = '';
$inEntity = FALSE;

} elseif ( $str[ $i ] != '#' ) {

$entity .= $str[ $i ];

} // if

} else {

if ( ( $str[ $i ] == '&' )&&( $str[ $i + 1 ] == '#' ) ) $inEntity = TRUE;
else $unicode[] = ord( $str[ $i ] );

} // if

} // for

return $unicode;

} // entities_to_unicode

function unicode_to_utf8_chr($uc)
    if ($uc < 0x80)
        return chr($uc);
    else if ($uc < 0x800) {
        $u2 = 0xC0 | $uc >> 6;
        $u1 = 0x80 | $uc & 0x3F;
        $ret = chr($u2) . chr($u1);
        return $ret;
    } else if ($uc < 0x10000) {
        $u3 = 0xE0 | $uc >> 12;
        $u2 = 0x80 | $uc >> 6 & 0x3F;
        $u1 = 0x80 | $uc & 0x3F;
        return chr($u3).chr($u2).chr($u1);
    } else if ($uc < 0x200000) {
        $u4 = 0xF0 | $uc >> 18;
        $u3 = 0x80 | $uc >> 12 & 0x3F;
        $u2 = 0x80 | $uc >> 6 & 0x3F;
        $u1 = 0x80 | $uc & 0x3F;
        return chr($u4).chr($u3).chr($u2).chr($u1);

    return 0;

function unicode_to_utf8_chr_2( $unicode_hex ) {

$unicode = $unicode_hex;

$utf8 = '';

if ( $unicode < 128 ) {

$utf8 = chr( $unicode );

} elseif ( $unicode < 2048 ) {

$utf8 .= chr( 192 + ( ( $unicode - ( $unicode % 64 ) ) / 64 ) );
$utf8 .= chr( 128 + ( $unicode % 64 ) );

} else {

$utf8 .= chr( 224 + ( ( $unicode - ( $unicode % 4096 ) ) / 4096 ) );
$utf8 .= chr( 128 + ( ( ( $unicode % 4096 ) - ( $unicode % 64 ) ) /
64 ) );
$utf8 .= chr( 128 + ( $unicode % 64 ) );

} // if

return $utf8;

} // unicode_to_utf8

function unicode_to_utf8( $str ) {

$utf8 = '';

foreach( $str as $unicode ) {


} // foreach

return $utf8;

} // unicode_to_utf8
// Converte un carattere codificato Unicode in una entità html (&#num;)
// Funzione inversa by leon
function utf2code($chr) {

$open = false;
for ($a = 0; $a < strlen($chr); $a++)
$num = ord(substr($chr,$a,1));
if ($num < 128)

if ($open == true) {
if (strlen($utf)==2) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-192)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63));
if (strlen($utf)==3) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-224)<<12)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 2, 1))-128)&63));
if (strlen($utf)==4) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-240)<<18)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63)<<12)+(((ord(substr($utf, 2, 1))-128)&63)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 3, 1))-128)&63));



} else {
if ($open == true) {

if ($num > 240) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-240)<<18)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63)<<12)+(((ord(substr($utf, 2, 1))-128)&63)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 3, 1))-128)&63));
if ($num > 224) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-224)<<12)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 2, 1))-128)&63));
if ($num > 192) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-192)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63));

if ($cv == true) {



if ($open == true)
if (strlen($utf)==2) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-192)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63));
if (strlen($utf)==3) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-224)<<12)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 2, 1))-128)&63));
if (strlen($utf)==4) {
$code=((ord(substr($utf, 0, 1))-240)<<18)+(((ord(substr($utf, 1, 1))-128)&63)<<12)+(((ord(substr($utf, 2, 1))-128)&63)<<6)+(((ord(substr($utf, 3, 1))-128)&63));



return $str;

function unicode2html($str)
return utf2code($str);
for ($a = 128; $a < 65536; $a++)
return $str2;

function convert_html($str)
$open = false;

for ($a = 0; $a < strlen($str); $a++)
$ch = substr($str, $a, 1);
if ($open == true) {

$x.= $ch;
if ($ch == ";";)
$open = false;

if (substr($str, $a, 2) == "&#";) { $open = true; $a+= 1; $x = "&#"; continue; }

return $res;
function html2unicode($str)
$nick = escapeshellarg($str);

$nick = stripslashes($nick);

@exec("/inetpub/wwwroot/unicode/uni_cgi.exe $nick";);

$nick = file("/inetpub/wwwroot/unicode/result.txt";);
$nick = substr(trim($nick[0]),1);
$nick = substr($nick, 0, strlen($nick)-1);

return $nick;
function gb2unicode($gb)
return $gb;

if (ord(substr($gb,0,1))>127)
return $utf;

function gb2unicode ($utf2html_string)

$utf2html_retstr = "";
for ($utf2html_p=0; $utf2html_p<strlen($utf2html_string); $utf2html_p++) {
$utf2html_c = substr ($utf2html_string, $utf2html_p, 1);
$utf2html_c1 = ord ($utf2html_c);
if ($utf2html_c1>>5 == 6) {// 110x xxxx, 110 prefix for 2 bytes unicode
$utf2html_t = substr ($utf2html_string, $utf2html_p, 1);
$utf2html_c2 = ord ($utf2html_t);
$utf2html_c1 &= 31; // remove the 3 bit two bytes prefix
$utf2html_c2 &= 63; // remove the 2 bit trailing byte prefix
$utf2html_c2 |= (($utf2html_c1 & 3) << 6); // last 2 bits of c1 become first 2 of c2
$utf2html_c1 >>= 2; // c1 shifts 2 to the right
$a = dechex($utf2html_c1);
$a = str_pad($a, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$b = dechex($utf2html_c2);
$b = str_pad($b, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

$utf2html_n_neu = $a.$b;
$utf2html_n_neu_speicher = $utf2html_n_neu;
$utf2html_n_neu = "&#x".$utf2html_n_neu.";";

$utf2html_retstr .= $utf2html_n_neu;

else {
$utf2html_retstr .= $utf2html_c;
return $utf2html_retstr;
global $LANG;

if ($LANG['S_MARKET'] == "fr-fr";) {
$stato_civ[0]="Chercher simple";
$stato_civ[3]="Chercher Occupé/a";
$stato_civ[4]="Separated a la recherche de quelqun";
$stato_civ[6]="Divorcé a la recherche de quelqun";
$stato_civ[8]="Non indiqué";



$cat_name[0]="La ville en ligne"; $cat_id[0]="GE";
$cat_name[1]="Informatique"; $cat_id[1]="CP";
$cat_name[2]="Divertissements "; $cat_id[2]="EA";
$cat_name[3]="Events"; $cat_id[3]="EV";
$cat_name[4]="Général"; $cat_id[4]="GN";
$cat_name[6]="Intérêts"; $cat_id[6]="II";
$cat_name[7]="Style de vie";$cat_id[7]="LF";
$cat_name[8]="Musique"; $cat_id[8]="MU";
$cat_name[9]="Actualités"; $cat_id[9]="NW";
$cat_name[10]="Générations"; $cat_id[10]="PR";
$standard_cat = 4;
$cat_name[11]="Religion"; $cat_id[11]="RL";
$cat_name[12]="Romance"; $cat_id[12]="RM";
$cat_name[13]="Sports"; $cat_id[13]="SP";
$cat_name[14]="Ados"; $cat_id[14]="TN";


if ($LANG['S_MARKET'] == 'de-de') {
$stato_civ[0]="Bekar ve arayýþta";
$stato_civ[3]="Evli ve arayýþta";
$stato_civ[4]="Boþanmýþ ve arayýþta";
$stato_civ[6]="Ayrý ve arayýþta";



$cat_name[0]="Iller Arasý"; $cat_id[0]="GE";
$cat_name[1]="Bilgisayar"; $cat_id[1]="CP";
$cat_name[2]="Muhabbet"; $cat_id[2]="EA";
$cat_name[3]="Eylemler"; $cat_id[3]="EV";
$cat_name[4]="Genel"; $cat_id[4]="GN";
$cat_name[5]="Saðlýk ve Yaþam";$cat_id[5]="HE";
$cat_name[6]="Ilgi Alaný"; $cat_id[6]="II";
$cat_name[7]="Yaþam Stilini";$cat_id[7]="LF";
$cat_name[8]="Müzik"; $cat_id[8]="MU";
$cat_name[9]="Yenilikler"; $cat_id[9]="NW";
$cat_name[10]="Diðer"; $cat_id[10]="PR";
$standard_cat = 4;
$cat_name[11]="Meshep"; $cat_id[11]="RL";
$cat_name[12]="Iliþkiler"; $cat_id[12]="RM";
$cat_name[13]="Spor"; $cat_id[13]="SP";
$cat_name[14]="Eðlenceler"; $cat_id[14]="TN";
if ($LANG['S_MARKET'] == 'es-sp') {
$stato_civ[0]="Soltero/a buscando pareja";
$stato_civ[3]="Ocupado/a buscando pareja";
$stato_civ[4]="Separado buscando pareja";
$stato_civ[6]="Divorciado buscando pareja";
$stato_civ[8]="No especificado";



$cat_name[0]="Adolescentes"; $cat_id[0]="TN";
$cat_name[1]="Deportes"; $cat_id[1]="SP";
$cat_name[2]="Entretenimiento"; $cat_id[2]="EA";
$cat_name[3]="Estilos de vida";$cat_id[3]="LF";
$cat_name[4]="Eventos"; $cat_id[4]="EV";
$cat_name[5]="General"; $cat_id[5]="GN";
$cat_name[6]="Informatica"; $cat_id[6]="CP";
$cat_name[7]="Intereses"; $cat_id[7]="II";
$cat_name[8]="Musica"; $cat_id[8]="MU";
$cat_name[9]="Noticias"; $cat_id[9]="NW";
$cat_name[10]="Religion"; $cat_id[10]="RL";
$cat_name[11]="Romance"; $cat_id[11]="RM";
$cat_name[12]="Salud y Educac.";$cat_id[12]="HE";
$cat_name[13]="Urbanos"; $cat_id[13]="GE";
$cat_name[14]="Usuarios"; $cat_id[14]="PR";
$standard_cat = 5;
if ($LANG['S_MARKET'] == 'de-de') {
$stato_civ[0]="Single und suchend";
$stato_civ[3]="Beschäftigt und suchend/a";
$stato_civ[4]="Getrennt und suchend";
$stato_civ[6]="Geschieden und suchend";
$stato_civ[8]="Nicht ausgewählt";



$cat_name[0]="Städte Treff"; $cat_id[0]="GE";
$cat_name[1]="Computer"; $cat_id[1]="CP";
$cat_name[2]="Unterhaltung"; $cat_id[2]="EA";
$cat_name[3]="Events"; $cat_id[3]="EV";
$cat_name[4]="Allgemein"; $cat_id[4]="GN";
$cat_name[5]="Gesundheit & Leben";$cat_id[5]="HE";
$cat_name[6]="Interessen"; $cat_id[6]="II";
$cat_name[7]="Life Styles";$cat_id[7]="LF";
$cat_name[8]="Musik"; $cat_id[8]="MU";
$cat_name[9]="News"; $cat_id[9]="NW";
$cat_name[10]="Sonstige"; $cat_id[10]="PR";
$standard_cat = 4;
$cat_name[11]="Religion"; $cat_id[11]="RL";
$cat_name[12]="Beziehungen"; $cat_id[12]="RM";
$cat_name[13]="Sport"; $cat_id[13]="SP";
$cat_name[14]="Teenager"; $cat_id[14]="TN";
if ($LANG['S_MARKET'] == "it-it";) {

$stato_civ[0]="Single in cerca";
$stato_civ[4]="Separato/a in cerca";
$stato_civ[6]="Divorziato/a in cerca";
$stato_civ[8]="Preferisco non dichiarare";


$cat_name[0]="Amore"; $cat_id[0]="RM";
$cat_name[2]="Città"; $cat_id[2]="GE";
$cat_name[3]="Coetanei"; $cat_id[3]="PR";
$cat_name[4]="Computer"; $cat_id[4]="CP";
$cat_name[5]="Divertimento"; $cat_id[5]="EA";
$cat_name[7]="Interessi"; $cat_id[7]="II";
$cat_name[8]="Musica"; $cat_id[8]="MU";
$cat_name[1]="Attualità"; $cat_id[1]="NW";
$cat_name[9]="Religione"; $cat_id[9]="RL";
$cat_name[10]="Salute & Educ."; $cat_id[10]="HE";
$cat_name[11]="Sport & Svago"; $cat_id[11]="SP";
$cat_name[12]="Stili di vita"; $cat_id[12]="LF";
$cat_name[13]="Teenagers"; $cat_id[13]="TN";
$cat_name[14]="Varie"; $cat_id[14]="GN";
$standard_cat = 14;

if ($LANG['S_MARKET'] == "en-us";) {
$stato_civ[0]="Single seeking";
$stato_civ[3]="Busy seeking/a";
$stato_civ[4]="Separated seeking";
$stato_civ[6]="Divorced seeking";
$stato_civ[8]="Not specified";



$cat_name[0]="City Chats"; $cat_id[0]="GE";
$cat_name[1]="Computer"; $cat_id[1]="CP";
$cat_name[2]="Entertainment"; $cat_id[2]="EA";
$cat_name[3]="Events"; $cat_id[3]="EV";
$cat_name[4]="General"; $cat_id[4]="GN";
$cat_name[5]="Health & Education";$cat_id[5]="HE";
$cat_name[6]="Interests"; $cat_id[6]="II";
$cat_name[7]="Life Styles";$cat_id[7]="LF";
$cat_name[8]="Music"; $cat_id[8]="MU";
$cat_name[9]="News"; $cat_id[9]="NW";
$cat_name[10]="Peers"; $cat_id[10]="PR";
$standard_cat = 4;
$cat_name[11]="Religion"; $cat_id[11]="RL";
$cat_name[12]="Romance"; $cat_id[12]="RM";
$cat_name[13]="Sports"; $cat_id[13]="SP";
$cat_name[14]="Teens"; $cat_id[14]="TN";

if ($LANG['S_MARKET'] == 'tr-tr') {
global $LANG;
$stato_civ[0]="Bekar ve arayýþta";
$stato_civ[3]="Evli ve arayýþta";
$stato_civ[4]="Boþanmýþ ve arayýþta";
$stato_civ[6]="Ayrý ve arayýþta";



$cat_name[0]="Iller Arasý"; $cat_id[0]="GE";
$cat_name[1]="Bilgisayar"; $cat_id[1]="CP";
$cat_name[2]="Muhabbet"; $cat_id[2]="EA";
$cat_name[3]="Eylemler"; $cat_id[3]="EV";
$cat_name[4]="Genel"; $cat_id[4]="GN";
$cat_name[5]="Saðlýk ve Yaþam";$cat_id[5]="HE";
$cat_name[6]="Ilgi Alaný"; $cat_id[6]="II";
$cat_name[7]="Yaþam Stilini";$cat_id[7]="LF";
$cat_name[8]="Müzik"; $cat_id[8]="MU";
$cat_name[9]="Yenilikler"; $cat_id[9]="NW";
$cat_name[10]="Diðer"; $cat_id[10]="PR";
$standard_cat = 4;
$cat_name[11]="Meshep"; $cat_id[11]="RL";
$cat_name[12]="Iliþkiler"; $cat_id[12]="RM";
$cat_name[13]="Spor"; $cat_id[13]="SP";
$cat_name[14]="Eðlenceler"; $cat_id[14]="TN";
function is_email($user_email) {

$chars = "/^([a-z0-9_]|\-|\.)+@(([a-z0-9_]|\-)+\.)+[a-z]{2,4}$/i";
if(strstr($user_email, '@') && strstr($user_email, '.')) {
if (preg_match($chars, $user_email)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
function check_all($txt, $in) {
for ($a=0; $a < strlen($txt); $a++)
if (substr_count($in,substr($txt,$a,1))>0) return true;
return false;
function check_nickname($nick) {
return !check_all("@ : ! ( ) , \ . ' % # + - \" = < >.",$nick);

function read_term() {
for ($a=0; $a < count($file); $a++)
echo $file[$a]."\r\n";
function read_term_txt() {
for ($a=0; $a < count($file); $a++)
$str .=$file[$a]."<BR>";
return $str;

function msgbox($txt) {

$xt = addslashes($txt);
echo "<script>alert('$xt')</script>";
Ultima modifica effettuata da leon77 15/07/08 15:28
15/07/08 16:21
Adesso non ho molto tempo, ma ho dato un'occhiata al codice. Quando fai

@exec("/inetpub/wwwroot/unicode/uni_cgi.exe $nick"); 

$nick = file("/inetpub/wwwroot/unicode/result.txt"); 

con la unlink elimini un file( result.txt ) mentre dopo chiedi di riaprirlo...
Prova a ricontrollare...
15/07/08 21:16
e possibile eliminare questo unicode e far si che funzioni normale senza i nick unicode se si come posso procedere?
16/07/08 13:10
Questo non te lo so dire, mi dispiace...
Ma devi cancellarlo per forza?
Non puoi tenerlo?
17/07/08 4:14
potrei anche tenerlo se trovassi questo programmino o uno simile per l'unicode che quando fai l'iscrizione questo uni_cgi.exe si apre e dovrebbe compilare e salvare il result.txt cosi dopo quando fai il login va a leggere questo file result.txt adesso non so dove procurarmi questo programma,ecco perche voglio eliminarlo
17/07/08 9:33
ma scusa, il resto del codice dovrebbe funzionare stando a quello che dici. Il problema è che il file che tu tenti di aprire lo cancelli due istruzioni prima...

elimina la riga @unlink, non vedo come ti possa servire.