
28/07/15 15:06
Non userò le espressioni regolari, Non userò le espressioni regolari, Non userò le espressioni regolari, Non userò le espressioni regolari, Non userò le espressioni regolari, Non userò le espressioni regolari

function JSONEncodedToArray($JSONEncoded) {
        //do nothing if not serializable
        if (strlen($JSONEncoded) < 7)
            throw new JSONException("It is not possible to decode a JSON content that doesn't contains at least 7 characters", -2);
        //the shortening process result
        $shortenedJSON = $JSONEncoded;
        //short the JSON string to obtain maximum speed at the decode stage
        $replaceTimes = 1;
        while ($replaceTimes != 0)
        {    $shortenedJSON = str_replace("  ", " ", $shortenedJSON, $replaceTimes);      }
        $replaceTimes = 1;
        while ($replaceTimes != 0)
        {    $shortenedJSON = str_replace("\n", "", $shortenedJSON, $replaceTimes);      }
        $replaceTimes = 1;
        while ($replaceTimes != 0)
        {    $shortenedJSON = str_replace("\t", "", $shortenedJSON, $replaceTimes);      }
        $JSONIsCleanAndReady = FALSE;
        while (!$JSONIsCleanAndReady) {
            $JSONIsCleanAndReady = TRUE;
            //delete the starting space
            if ($shortenedJSON[0] == ' ') {
                $shortenedJSON = substr($shortenedJSON, 1);
                $JSONIsCleanAndReady = FALSE;

            //delete the final space
            $shortenedJSONLength = strlen($shortenedJSON);
            if ($shortenedJSON[$shortenedJSONLength - 1] == ' ') {
                $shortenedJSON = substr($shortenedJSON, 0, $shortenedJSONLength - 1);
                $JSONIsCleanAndReady = FALSE;
            //delete the beginning {
            if ($shortenedJSON[0] == '{') {
                $shortenedJSON = substr($shortenedJSON, 1);
                $JSONIsCleanAndReady = FALSE;
            //delete the final }
            $shortenedJSONLength = strlen($shortenedJSON);
            if ($shortenedJSON[$shortenedJSONLength - 1] == '}') {
                $shortenedJSON = substr($shortenedJSON, 0, $shortenedJSONLength - 1);
                $JSONIsCleanAndReady = FALSE;
        //split the shortened string into characters
        $JSONChars = str_split($shortenedJSON);
        $JSONCharsNumber = count($JSONChars);
        $endOfJSONObject = FALSE;
        //setup an empty array
        $resultingArray = array();
        //what is the cycle currently parsing?
        /* $parsing Value   |   meaning
         *      0           |   nothing
         *      1           |   name
         *      2           |   value
         *      3           |   aftername
        $parsing = 0;
        //the last parsed property name
        $lastPropertyNameParsed = "";
        //the last parsed property value
        $lastPropertyValueParsed = "";
        //the last parsed property type
        /* $lastPropertyValueParsedType Value   |   meaning
         *              0                       |   null
         *              1                       |   string
         *              2                       |   number
         *              3                       |   object
         *              4                       |   boolean
        $lastPropertyValueParsedType = -1;
        //used to read JSON objects inside other objects
        $parenthesis = 0;
        $lastSaved = FALSE;
        //cycle each character starting from the first one
        for ($i = 0; $i < $JSONCharsNumber; $i++)
            //get the current character
            $currentCharacter = current($JSONChars);
            if ((($currentCharacter == ' ') && ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 1) && ($parsing == 2)) || (($currentCharacter == ' ') && ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 3) && ($parsing == 2)) || ($currentCharacter != ' ') || (($currentCharacter == ' ') && ($parsing == 1)) || (($currentCharacter == ',') && ($parsing != 0)))
                if ($parsing == 0)
                    if ($currentCharacter != '"')
                        throw new JSONException("Unexpected character '".$currentCharacter."', expected character '\"' instead", -6);
                    } else {
                        $parsing = 1;
                        $lastPropertyNameParsed = "";
                } else if ($parsing == 1) {
                    if ($currentCharacter != '"')
                        $lastPropertyNameParsed = $lastPropertyNameParsed.$currentCharacter;
                    } else {
                        $parsing = 3;
                        $lastSaved = FALSE;
                }  else if ($parsing == 3) {
                    if ($currentCharacter != ':')
                    {   throw new JSONException("The JSON is not valid: unexpected character '".$currentCharacter."', after a json property name the ':' character is expected", -7);     }
                    {   $parsing = 2; $lastPropertyValueParsed = "";      }
                } else if ($parsing == 2) {
                    //get the json property value type
                    if ((strlen($lastPropertyValueParsed) == 0) && ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == -1)) {
                        if ($currentCharacter == "\"") {
                            $lastPropertyValueParsedType = 1;
                            $lastPropertyValueParsed = "";
                        } else if ($currentCharacter == 'n') {
                            $lastPropertyValueParsed = "n";
                            $lastPropertyValueParsedType = 0;
                        } else if (($currentCharacter == 't') || ($currentCharacter == 'f')) {
                            $lastPropertyValueParsed = "".$currentCharacter;
                            $lastPropertyValueParsedType = 4;
                        } else if (($currentCharacter == '0') || ($currentCharacter == '1') || ($currentCharacter == '2') || ($currentCharacter == '3') || ($currentCharacter == '4') || ($currentCharacter == '5') || ($currentCharacter == '6') || ($currentCharacter == '7') || ($currentCharacter == '8') || ($currentCharacter == '9')) {
                            $lastPropertyValueParsed = "".$currentCharacter;
                            $lastPropertyValueParsedType = 2;
                        } else if ($currentCharacter == '{') {
                            $lastPropertyValueParsed = "";
                            $lastPropertyValueParsedType = 3;
                            $parenthesis = 1;
                        } else {
                            throw new JSONException("Unrecognized JSON property type.", -8);
                    } else {
                        if  ((($lastPropertyValueParsedType != 1) && ($lastPropertyValueParsedType != 3)) && ($currentCharacter == ',')) {
                            //end of number, boolean or null parsing
                            $parsing = 0;
                        } else if (($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 1) && ($currentCharacter == '"')) {
                            //end of string parsing
                            $parsing = 0;
                            while ((current($JSONChars) != ",") && ($i < $JSONCharsNumber)) {
                        } else {
                            if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 3)
                                //watch out for parenthesis
                                if ($currentCharacter == '{')
                                else if ($currentCharacter == '}')

                                if ($parenthesis == 0)
                                    $endOfJSONObject = TRUE;

                                    //end of object parsing
                                    $parsing = 0;
                            //store the last character
                            if (!$endOfJSONObject)
                                $lastPropertyValueParsed = $lastPropertyValueParsed.$currentCharacter;

                            $endOfJSONObject = FALSE;

                        if ($parsing == 0) {
                            $lastSaved = TRUE;
                            if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 1)
                                $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = $lastPropertyValueParsed;
                            else if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 0)
                                if ($lastPropertyValueParsed == "null")
                                    $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = NULL;
                                    throw new JSONException("Unrecognized JSON value, expected \"null\", found \"".$lastPropertyValueParsed."\"", -9);
                            else if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 2)
                                if (is_numeric($lastPropertyValueParsedType)) {
                                    if (strpos($lastPropertyValueParsed, '.') == FALSE)
                                        $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = intval($lastPropertyValueParsed);
                                        $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = floatval($lastPropertyValueParsed);
                                } else {
                                    throw new JSONException("Invalid representation of a number", -10);
                            else if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 3)
                                $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = $this->JSONEncodedToArray($lastPropertyValueParsed);
                            else if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 4)
                                if ($lastPropertyValueParsed == "true") {
                                    $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = TRUE;
                                } else if ($lastPropertyValueParsed == "false") {
                                    $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = FALSE;
                                } else {
                                    throw new JSONException("Unexpected JSON value: true or false expected, ".$lastPropertyValueParsed." found", -9);
                            $lastPropertyValueParsedType = -1;
            //jump to the next character
        if (!$lastSaved) {  
            if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 1)
                $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = $lastPropertyValueParsed;
            else if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 0)
                if ($lastPropertyValueParsed == "null")
                    $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = NULL;
                    throw new JSONException("Unrecognized JSON value, expected \"null\", found \"".$lastPropertyValueParsed."\"", -9);
            else if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 2)
                if (is_numeric($lastPropertyValueParsedType)) {
                    if (strpos($lastPropertyValueParsed, '.') == FALSE)
                        $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = intval($lastPropertyValueParsed);
                        $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = floatval($lastPropertyValueParsed);
                } else {
                    throw new JSONException("Invalid representation of a number", -10);
            else if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 3)
                $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = $this->JSONEncodedToArray($lastPropertyValueParsed);
            else if ($lastPropertyValueParsedType == 4)
                if ($lastPropertyValueParsed == "true") {
                    $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = TRUE;
                } else if ($lastPropertyValueParsed == "false") {
                    $resultingArray[$lastPropertyNameParsed] = FALSE;
                } else {
                    throw new JSONException("Unexpected JSON value: true or false expected, ".$lastPropertyValueParsed." found", -9);
            $lastPropertyValueParsedType = -1;
        //return the given array
        return $resultingArray;

Qualcuno voleva un po' di spaghetti code? :asd::asd::asd:
Scusate ma non posso trattenermi dal postarlo :asd: Questa cosa di non voler mai usare le espressioni regolari mi sta sfuggendo di mano :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Qualcun altro si rifiuta categoricamente di usare le regex?
28/07/15 21:55
json_decode non ti piaceva?


Le regex hanno molti vantaggi; a meno che non ci sia un particolare bisogno di performance. Ma anche lì, spesso basta prestare un pò di attenzione mentre si scrivono.
Ultima modifica effettuata da pierotofy 28/07/15 21:56
Il mio blog: piero.dev
28/07/15 22:17
No il json_decode non mi piace, infatti se faccio il json_decode di un array php esce un array json, io voglio che da un array php esca un oggetto json, non un array json. Infatti gli array json non sono gestiti dalla mia classe, perchè non mi servono.
01/08/15 20:38
Riguardo le regex c'è un epico post molto Humor su stackoverflow, riguarda nel caso specifico l'uso di regex per parsare HTML:

02/08/15 0:09
lol, fantastico.
Il mio blog: piero.dev